BSN Contacts, Advising and Additional Resources

St. David's School of Nursing

Email the School of Nursing

Phone number: 512-716-2900

BSN Nursing Admission and Retention

Staci Perez Strauch, Coordinator, BSN Nursing Admission and Retention

Email Staci Perez Strauch

Phone Number: 512-716-2910

College of Health Professions Academic Advising 

Email the College of Health Professions Academic Advising

Phone number: 512-245-3506

Texas State University First Year Advising Center

Email First Year Advising Center

Phone number: 512-245-7223

(Live Chat/Email options available on their website)

Texas State University Testing-Evaluation and Measurement Center (TEMC)

San Marcos Testing Center

Email the San Marcos Testing Center

Phone Number: 512-245-2276

Round Rock Testing Center

Email the Round Rock Testing Center

Phone Number: 512-716-4020


Additional Resources

ATI TEAS Testing

Phone number: 800-667-7531

(Live Chat/Email options available on their website)



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  • Student Help Center

  • Contact Us:



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Be sure to have your CAS ID number (located under your name in the upper-right corner of the application) when contacting NursingCAS.